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JavaScript - Get started with JavaScript variables, values and data types, operators and operands

* Introduction to JavaScript Course:

JavaScript is a programming language used to create web pages with dynamicity and interactivity. It is a client-side scripting language, which means it can be run directly in the user's browser. JavaScript can be mixed with ML and CSS to present web pages.

* JavaScript variables, values and data types:

* Variables in JavaScript are used to store data values. You can declare variables using the var, let or const keywords. For example:

var age = 25;
let name = "John";
const PI = 3.14;

Here, age is a variable that stores the value 25, name stores the string "John", and PI stores the value 3.14.


* Javascript Data Types:

* JavaScript has several built-in data types, some of which are as follows:

  1. Numeric: Used to store numerical values, such as `25`, `3.14` etc.
  2. String: Used to store textual data, which is enclosed in single or double invert, such as `"hello"`, ``world'` etc.
  3. Boolean: Used to store the value `true` or `false`.
  4. NULL: Indicates the absence of an object value.
  5. Block: Contains a variable that is declared, but does not contain a value.
  6. Object: Used to store key-value pairs.
  7. Array: Used to store multiple values in a single variable.

* JavaScript Operators and Operands:

Introduction to Operators and Operands in JavaScript:

Pipt Diagram:
A diagram in JavaScript is a special type of variable legend that stores the organization and identity of key-value pairs. Declarations of an object are made between braces and the key-value pairs are separated by commas. Here is an example of an object:

var person = {
    name: "John",
    Age: 25,
    City: "Delhi"

Here, person is an object containing name, age and city key-value pairs.

Introduction to JavaScript conditional sentences:
We can control the logical control flow in JavaScript by using conditional statements. Two of these are major conditional sentences: if and switch.

- If clause: The if clause is used to test a condition. If the condition is true, then the code in the `if` block is executed...........

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